All Books

How to Fix the Broken Senate and Save America

Senator Jeff Merkley, Mike Zamore

Corporate Bullsh*t
Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and Wealth in America

Nick Hanauer, Joan Walsh, Donald Cohen, Zachary Roth

One Fair Wage
Ending Subminimum Pay in America

Saru Jayaraman, Teófilo Reyes

The Hamlet Fire
A Tragic Story of Cheap Food, Cheap Government, and Cheap Lives

Bryant Simon

Under the Bus
How Working Women Are Being Run Over

Caroline Fredrickson

The End of the Rainbow
How Educating for Happiness (Not Money) Would Transform Our Schools

Susan Engel

The Fight for Fifteen
The Right Wage for a Working America

David Rolf

A Theory of the Drone

Grégoire Chamayou

So Rich, So Poor
Why It’s So Hard to End Poverty in America

Peter Edelman

Wage Theft in America
Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid—And What We Can Do About It

Kim Bobo

All Things Being Equal
Instigating Opportunity in an Inequitable Time

Brian D. Smedley, Alan Jenkins

The Betrayal of Work
How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million Americans

Beth Shulman

The Living Wage
Building a Fair Economy

Robert Pollin, Stephanie Luce

The War on the Poor
A Defense Manual

Nancy Folbre, Randy Albelda